Be Seen, Healed, and Transformed

Powerful private sessions that combine intuitive readings and energy healings to help you uncover and transform blocks in your life.

Intuitive/Psychic Reading & Healing

Just the experience of being seen by someone is deeply healing and validating. We all struggle to wade through our endless thoughts and doubts, to get to the truth of what is actually blocking us or what answer we are looking for.

In a psychic reading, with your permission, Marissa will tap into your energy and intuitively read what energy you are currently handling, what is blocking you, remove the blocks with your permission, see where you’re growing, and see what you get to have once this block has been removed.

A psychic reading is a healing in and of itself, yet these sessions may also take the form of a deeply relaxing full-on energy healing. In a full energy healing, you have the choice of lying down to fully receive. There is less talking during this type of session and instead guided relaxation into silence as you begin to receive the healing.